the bakery

Friday, November 30, 2007

bogged by baggage

I put together all the bags I own, inspired by lc at fops and dandies. I've always been quite a bit of a bag lady, but my love for leather bags is quite recent. At one time I was into matchy-matchy then it became contrasting and now it's more of neutral blend but I've always loved frame bags. I hope I have enough of nieces, goddaughters and other kinds of female (or male if any of these bag rocks his boat, so be it) kin to carry on the legacy. Four sizing categories.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

You have great bags and each is so different!
I did ballet from infanthood to age 12, I even did pointe shoes for 2 years. But all of that was a long, long time ago and I haven't practiced/stretched since.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Wow, that's a lot of bags...the elephant one is adorable.

Anonymous said...

I love the elephant purse and the last medium bag on the right!

indi said...

oh i ripped the elephant bag off my sister, it as gift from her friend in sri lanka. it's handy for sure!

SDR said...

i love the elephant bag too!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bag collection!

WendyB said...

Ha ha! I like that you're open-minded about men carrying bags!

indi said...

*wendy b- i really have no choice but to accept facts of evolution! men today like carrying bags!some men.. a lot of men..